Tag Archives: U.N.

Obama is unprepared for North Korea’s nuclear threat

“As the world wakes up to the reality of a heightened crisis with North Korea following its latest nuclear test, the Obama administration finds itself with remarkably few Korea experts at the top of its Asia policy team.”

Meanwhile, North Korea “is using its most aggressive rhetoric toward the United States since Kim Jong-un took power–including a pledge to build up its arsenal and further nuclear testing”— in fact, North Korea’s state media agency proclaimed that North Korea “will have to take a measure stronger than a nuclear test to cope with the hostile forces’ nuclear war moves that have become ever more undisguised.”  North Korea also uploaded “a video on YouTube which depicted a U.S. city resembling New York engulfed in flames… The video is shot as a dream sequence, with a man seeing himself on board a North Korean space shuttle launched into orbit by the same type of rocket launched by Pyongyang in December. The picture zooms onto countries below, showing a re-united Korea. It then switches to a U.S. city, with its skyscrapers – including what appears to be the Empire State Building – on fire or in ruins… “Somewhere in the United States, black clouds of smoke are billowing…it seems that the nest of wickedness is ablaze with the fire started by itself,” the caption says. The video ends with the man concluding that his dream will “surely come true.””

As for our ally South Korea, it’s been threatened with “final destruction” by the notorious North Korean regime. North Korea has vowed “to cancel the 1953 cease-fire that ended the Korean War.”

Update: “A new North Korean video portrays President Barack Obama and American troops in flames.” And now, North Korea has announced it plans to launch a “pre-emptive nuclear attack” on the United States.

Obama nominates an anti-Israel pro-terrorist Secretary of Defense

Obama apparently felt that his lengthy anti-Israel record wasn’t long enough: he has nominated anti-Israel pro-Iran pro-Hezbollah pro-Hamas former Senator Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.

Hagel, being a “Republican,” should inflame the opposition of liberal American Jews even more. Yet, Jewish groups are “softening resistance” on the Hagel nomination after the fact.  American Jews who support Obama’s bad decisions more than they support the existence of Israel are violating the First Commandment.

Update: “Chuck Hagel said Israel is on its way to becoming an apartheid state during an April 9, 2010, appearance at Rutgers University… Hagel also accused Israel of violating U.N. resolutions, called for U.S.-designated terrorist organization Hamas to be included in any peace negotiations, and described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “radical”.”

Update #2: Iran’s foreign ministry has endorsed Chuck Hagel’s nomination for U.S. Secretary of Defense.

Obama goes to the U.N. to attack the 2nd Amendment

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee’s call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.

The National Rifle Association strongly opposes the arms treaty, and former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton explains: “Ostensibly, UNATT is about regulating government-to-government arms transfers or direct sales by manufacturers to foreign governments. But the hidden agenda of the gun controllers is to craft treaty language that, while seemingly innocuous, has long-range implications for the use and ownership of guns here in America. The real danger lies in vague, ambiguous stipulations gun-control advocates could later cite as requiring further domestic restraints. In other words, they hope to use restrictions on international gun sales to control gun sales at home.”

Obama ditches Israel’s PM Netanyahu and embraces Egypt’s Islamist Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi

As Obama’s Middle East policy implodes and Iran inches closer to a nuclear bomb, Obama REFUSES to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in New York during the U.N. General Assembly session.  At the same time, Obama announces an appearance on David Letterman.

HOWEVER, Obama INVITES Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood party to meet with him in New York during the U.N. General Assembly session.

In October 2012, Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi participated in prayers in which the preacher urged Allah to “destroy the Jews and their supporters.”… Morsi could be seen mouthing “amen” to these sentiments.

Obama joins U.N. “Human Rights Council” which now calls for a boycott of American companies that do business in Israel

Obama joined the U.N. “Human Rights Council” in 2009, when the U.S.’s Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice pledged, “Working from within, we can make the council a more effective forum to promote and protect human rights.”

Well, look where that policy has brought the United States to now: “The Washington Free Beacon has obtained a report soon to be released by the United Nations that calls for an international campaign of legal attacks and economic warfare on a group of American companies that do business in Israel, including Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar Inc., and Motorola Solutions Inc. The Human Rights Council (HRC), a body dominated by Islamic countries and known for its hostility to, and heavy focus on, the Jewish State, issued the report… Members of the HRC include infamous human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Libya, China, and Cuba.”

Liberals bring United Nations-affiliated “election monitors” to United States polling places

Liberal groups sought the “Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe,” an affiliate of the United Nations, to intervene in United States elections by sending “election monitors” to our polling places.  Ironically, the countries that will be sending these “election monitors” to United States polling places have been plagued by rampant allegations of election fraud themselves– among them, RUSSIA, UKRAINE, KAZAKHSTAN, AND SERBIA.

Again: American Jews need to wake up!!!

After Obama refused to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in New York during the U.N. General Assembly session, Obama’s ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice blew off Netanyahu’s speech at the U.N.

Obama the corrupt politician.

Obama nominates the wife of a major Democratic Party donor to the U.N. General Assembly.

Obama Administration wants “international permission” to take action

What kind of a “constitutional scholar” believes that international permission is required for U.S. action, while Congress’ permission isn’t required?