Category Archives: Illegal Immigration

The Obamacare Mess

As the provisions of Obamacare kick into gear during Obama’s second term, we can see the consequences playing out:

Wow, the Democrats really screwed up on this one– after disregarding the Constitution and passing Obamacare without reading the bill (since Democrats know what’s best for the American people, who can’t take care of themselves– right?), their constituents are confused about why they’re experiencing  rising costs and higher insurance premiums because of Obamacare.

Update: Democrats trumpeted Obamacare as bringing an end to “discrimination against Americans with pre-existing conditions.”  Well, that didn’t last long!  Just as the provisions of Obamacare are starting to take effect in 2013, we’ve been told that “Tens of thousands of Americans who cannot get health insurance because of preexisting medical problems will be blocked from a program designed to help them because funding is running low. Obama administration officials said Friday that the state-based “high-risk pools” set up under the 2010 health-care law will be closed to new applicants as soon as Saturday and no later than March 2, depending on the state.” This is just more evidence that Obamacare is a dismal failure– it was marketed as a miraculous solution to America’s healthcare problems, but was dependent on non-existent funding.

Janet Napolitano is delusional.

It’s pretty scary to find out that the head of Obama’s Department of Homeland Security is disconnected from reality. In 2009, Janet Napolitano infamously claimed that “the system worked” after an underwear bomber successfully smuggled explosive liquid onto a jet.

Now, Janet Napolitano has been quoted: “I believe the border is secure. I believe the border’s a safe border.” Every American knows this isn’t true– we have approximately 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S., a U.S. Border Patrol agent was shot dead (and another was wounded) recently, a Texas farmer reported that “a federal law enforcement agent told him to buy a bulletproof vest to use while working in his fields,” etc.

Obama’s immigration policy would have spared the 9/11 hijackers!

Obama’s non-deportation policy— including his refusal to enforce the two most fundamental sections of federal immigration law– “would have let the Sept. 11 hijackers remain in the country even if they had been picked up in the months before their deadly attacks” on the World Trade Center.

It’s unconstitutional for Obama to refuse to enforce federal law, since he’s the head of the executive branch of government.  Furthermore, his unconstitutional dereliction of duty is against U.S. national security interests.

Obama charges American taxpayers $1.6 million so he can fly to Las Vegas for 3 hours

Obama enjoys spending American taxpayers’ money on frivolous luxuries and vacations.  He refuses to enforce U.S. immigration laws (which is unconstitutional, since his job is to serve as the head of the executive branch of government).  So, what’s Obama’s next move?

At a cost of $1.6 million, he’s going to fly to Las Vegas for 3 hours just so he can give an immigration speech. This should ring a bell– he flew all the way to Norway to accept a “Nobel Peace Prize” (which is laughable, when he’s been launching drone strikes, fighting in Afghanistan, attacking Libya, etc.), and Michelle Obama insists on wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars by taking separate vacations. It turns out that Obama and his family cost American taxpayers $1.4 billion per year– that’s 20 times more expensive than the British Royal Family. It’s obvious that Obama regards himself as American Royalty, and has no respect for Americans’ hard-earned dollars.

Obama’s non-deportation policy = unilateral amnesty

Who cares about what Congress or the Courts say? Answer: Not Obama.

Obama welcomes illegal immigrants to the U.S.

Obama is moving to shut down 9 Border Patrol stations across 4 states. Apparently this is Obama’s new campaign strategy: get as many illegal immigrants into the U.S. as possible before the November 2012 election, and then have his Justice Department sue any state that dares to require photo IDs from voters.

Obama wants to disenfranchise U.S. citizens by having non-citizens vote.

Sued Arizona for enforcing immigration laws

While the Obama Administration refuses to enforce federal immigration law, it instead chooses to focus its resources and efforts on suing Arizona for trying to protect its citizens.

For goodness’ sake, Arizona is at the point where it needs to put “Travel Not Recommended” signs on U.S. soil because of drug violence spilling over the U.S.-Mexican border. But instead of “executing the law” as he swore to do under his presidential oath, Obama has chosen to sue Arizona for doing the job he was supposed to do.

Legalize illegal immigrants to get them health care

Obamacare won’t cover illegal immigrants, but there won’t be any illegal immigrants after Obama legalizes them all.