Tag Archives: U.S. Consulate in Libya

Al-Qaeda is NOT “on the run” from Obama.

After the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya on the 9/11 anniversary, Obama was forced to change his campaign speeches by taking out the false claim that al-Qaeda was “on the run.”  Subsequently, in January 2013, 30 hostages were killed “when Algerian forces stormed a desert gas plant in a bid to free many dozens of Western and local captives” from Islamic terrorists linked to al-Qaeda. Seven Americans were among the hostages, and three of the dead hostages were Americans. Contrast this to what a real leader– Ronald Reagan– accomplished in regard to the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979:

It turns out that even prior to the Algerian hostage crisis, Obama was lying to the American people when he claimed that al-Qaeda was “on the run”: “The U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan incorrectly reported a decline in Taliban attacks last year, and officials said Tuesday that there was actually no change in the number of attacks on international troops from 2011 to 2012.”

Disturbingly, some of the same Islamic terrorists who took hostages in Algeria also participated in the terrorist attack that killed 4 Americans and destroyed the U.S. Consulate in Libya just a few months beforehand.

Obama was “absent” during the Libya terrorist attack

Obama supports radical Islam in the Middle East.  There is no other way to explain Obama’s bizarre behavior in relation to Libya:

June 2011: “President Obama’s decision to involve U.S. military forces in an unconstitutional, unexplained mission in Libya has left many Americans seeking answers and action from Congress.” Although Obama had previously shaken hands with Libya’s dictator Gaddafi, Obama ensured Gaddafi’s demise and opened a window for radical Islamists to take over Libya.

September 2012: The U.S. Consulate in Libya was destroyed by radical Islamists who killed 4 American diplomats on the 9/11 anniversary— it turns out that Obama’s State Department had credible information that the attack was going to happen 48 hours prior, but didn’t warn the American diplomats they were in danger. During the attack, there was an urgent request for military assistance that the Obama Administration denied. After the attack, Obama and his administration lied to the American people and said the attack occurred because of spontaneous mob reacting to an anti-Islam youtube video, and was not a terrorist attack. Obama also referred to the deaths of the 4 American diplomats as mere “bumps in the road.”

October 2012: A known ringleader of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya walks freely in the streets of Libya without fear of arrest.  The only person arrested was the creator of the anti-Islam youtube video.

February 2013: Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has now testified that Obama was absent and didn’t communicate with him at all on the night of the Libya terrorist attack— and the next morning, Obama was figuratively absent, leaving “operational details, including knowledge of what resources were available to help the Americans under siege, “up to us.”” While Americans were under attack in Libya, Obama– with his priorities completely out of whack– was making a 1-hour call to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu “to defuse a controversy about President Obama’s refusal to meet with Netanyahu two weeks later at the U.N. General Assembly.”

Hillary Clinton has a meltdown over the Libya terrorist attack

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton finally testified about the Obama Administration’s cover-up of the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya– and it was not a pretty sight:

There’s a good commentary from CainTV about Hillary Clinton’s meltdown on the witness stand: “Questioned by Ron Johnson over State Department inaction the night of the Benghazi attacks, Hillary Clinton had a bit of a meltdown during today’s testimony.  Johnson asked why Hillary hadn’t done more to determine the validity of the administration’s infamous claim that the attacks sprung from a “spontaneous protest,” and pressed her on the fact that she was still repeating the lie days later. Hillary did her best to avoid the issue, and then started yelling. “The fact is; we had four dead Americans! Was it because of a protest? Or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?” What difference does it make? It’s the difference between a government that fabricates events to cover-up its failings and a government that presents the truth of unpleasant facts. It’s the difference between a State Department that lies with impunity and one which is beholden to the people it serves. It’s the difference between an out-of-control bureaucracy and a government of the people. It’s the difference between reality and fiction.”

Hillary Clinton also attempted to halt Congress’ probing questions about the cover-up by feigning tears (probably setting back the potential for a female U.S. President by 50 years):

Obama doesn’t care that Susan Rice lied– he’s going to nominate her for Secretary of State anyway.

Despite the fact that Susan Rice (the U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. under Obama) lied to the American people by stating that the Benghazi attack was a “spontaneous mob reaction” instead of a terror attack, Obama wants her to be the new Secretary of State. Furthermore, according to the White House Press Secretary, Obama “is not particularly concerned” about whether Susan Rice misled the American people— which makes sense, since the evidence shows it was the Obama Administration that altered the CIA’s talking points about the Benghazi attack to help Obama win re-election. Susan Rice was just doing her “job” in helping Obama lie to the American people by getting false talking points out to the media.  Of course Obama isn’t “concerned”– he wants to reward her with a cabinet position!