Tag Archives: michelle obama

Michelle Obama and John Kerry present an “International Women of Courage Award” to an anti-Semitic 9/11 fan

“On Friday March 8, Michelle Obama will join John Kerry at a special ceremony at the State Department to present ten women the Secretary of State’s International Women of Courage Award.” One of their honorees is Samira Ibrahim, who uses Twitter to publicly broadcast her virulently anti-Semitic views: “On July 18 of last year, after five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian bus driver were killed a suicide bombing attack, Ibrahim jubilantly tweeted:  “An explosion on a bus carrying Israelis in Burgas airport in Bulgaria on the Black Sea. Today is a very sweet day with a lot of very sweet news.”… Last August 4, commenting on demonstrations in Saudi Arabia,she described the ruling Al Saud family as “dirtier than the Jews.” Seventeen days later she tweeted in reference to Adolf Hitler: “I have discovered with the passage of days, that no act contrary to morality, no crime against society, takes place, except with the Jews having a hand in it. Hitler.”… As a mob was attacking the United States embassy in Cairo on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11, pulling down the American flag and raising the flag of Al Qaeda, Ibrahim wrote on twitter: “Today is the anniversary of 9/11. May every year come with America burning.”

Yes, you read that correctly: The First Lady and Secretary of State are presenting an “INTERNATIONAL WOMEN OF COURAGE AWARD” to a person who celebrates the 9/11 terrorist attacks and praises Hitler.

Update: Thanks to public outcry, “The State Department announced Thursday the administration will not present an Egyptian political activist with an award until reviewing anti-Semitic and anti-American statements made by the activist on Twitter.”

Obama sends fake Twitter messages to propel his anti-gun policy

Obama’s unconstitutional/corrupt anti-gun crusade has now reached a whole new level: “Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) accused Obama of trying to make support for his position look stronger than it really is by flooding Twitter with messages from people who don’t exist… “Obama’s anti-gun campaign is a fraud,” Stockman said. “Obama’s supporters are panicking and willing to do anything to create the appearance of popular support, even if it means trying to defraud Congress”… Stockman said that in response to Obama’s call for people to tweet their congressman in support of gun control legislation, he received just 16 tweets. But he said all of these messages were identical, and that a closer look at them revealed that only six were from real people. “The other 10 are fake, computer-generated spambots,” his office said in a press release. As evidence, he said these 10 tweets use default graphics and names, and have not engaged in any interaction with other people. Two of the tweets were sent at nearly the same time, and both follow just one person: Brad Schenck, Obama’s former digital strategist.”

Update: Obama also sent Michelle Obama to ABC News to falsely claim that a 15-year-old girl who was killed in Chicago after performing during the inauguration was shot with an ‘automatic weapon’– in fact, Chicago police reported that it was a handgun.  Obama has been pushing for new restrictions on semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines, and wants America to believe that his policy will eliminate gun violence– but the truth is that gun control is a complicated issue, and Obama’s anti-gun crusade is hypocritical and unconstitutional.

Obama charges American taxpayers $1.6 million so he can fly to Las Vegas for 3 hours

Obama enjoys spending American taxpayers’ money on frivolous luxuries and vacations.  He refuses to enforce U.S. immigration laws (which is unconstitutional, since his job is to serve as the head of the executive branch of government).  So, what’s Obama’s next move?

At a cost of $1.6 million, he’s going to fly to Las Vegas for 3 hours just so he can give an immigration speech. This should ring a bell– he flew all the way to Norway to accept a “Nobel Peace Prize” (which is laughable, when he’s been launching drone strikes, fighting in Afghanistan, attacking Libya, etc.), and Michelle Obama insists on wasting hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars by taking separate vacations. It turns out that Obama and his family cost American taxpayers $1.4 billion per year– that’s 20 times more expensive than the British Royal Family. It’s obvious that Obama regards himself as American Royalty, and has no respect for Americans’ hard-earned dollars.

Obama White House: 54 Christmas trees.

“As Americans face a fiscal cliff, the Obamas make do with 54 Christmas trees.”

… is this surprising?

Michelle Obama is a fan of the “Woman of Courage” who has prosecuted hundreds of women in Afghanistan for “adultery”

More than 50% of women jailed for adultery in Afghanistan come from the province prosecuted by “Woman of Courage” Maria Bashir. And Maria Bashir’s province contains just 20% of the population of Afghanistan!

Biased debate moderator intervenes on Obama’s behalf

CNN’s Candy Crowley breaks the rules and interrupts the second presidential debate with her own commentary. She says that Romney’s description of Obama’s response to the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was incorrect. But after the debate, Crowley admits that Romney was RIGHT.

Even Obama admitted that Romney was right– but only AFTER the debate was over and he was speaking privately to the town hall questioner.

Michelle Obama should be ashamed of herself for breaking the rules and clapping for Crowley’s unwarranted interruption.  The ONLY applause from the participating “undecided voter” debate audience came from Michelle Obama— the other applause came from observers of the debate who were NOT neutral.

Michelle Obama plans to “party hard.”

Michelle Obama announces that “On Nov. 7 we’re going to party hard.” With your tax dollars.

The First Lady hates America and wants to control you

Michelle Obama said that “for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country” because Obama might win the election.

After Obama won the election, Michelle Obama complained that her life as the First Lady of the U.S. is “hell.”

Since her life is so “hell”-ish, Michelle Obama, as First Lady, has decided to get revenge on the American people by launching an anti-obesity crusade, which actually has the goal of expanding governmental interference in Americans’ private lives and controlling what everyone eats. All the while, Michelle Obama, the healthy-eating hypocrite, continues to enjoy her lavish meals.

Obama’s luxury vacations, extended absences, big parties, and egomania

Obama’s luxury vacations and extended absences show that he is out-of-touch with the American people.

Michelle “Marie Antoinette” Obama, of course, travels separately to Obama’s vacation destinations, costing taxpayers an extra $100,000  in the midst of the biggest economic crisis the U.S. has suffered since the Great Depression. She also spent $500,000 of taxpayers’ money for a lavish personal vacation to Spain.

Obama threw a fake Channukah celebration at the White House because “We never need an excuse for a big party.”

Shameful: In the midst of the “Great Recession,” Obama hosted a secret “Alice in Wonderland”-themed Halloween bash at the White House. This party was just as frivolous and out-of-touch as any party that was hosted by Marie “Let Them Eat Cake” Antoinette.  It turns out that “President Obama has spent far more lavishly on White House state dinners than previous chief executives, including nearly $1 million on a 2010 dinner for Mexico’s president… Gary Walters, who ran presidential household operations for 21 years during Democratic and Republican administrations, before retiring in 2007, told The Examiner the costs reflected in the documents were “excessive. They are high.””

Obama doesn’t care that he’s leaving the U.S. in ruins– he knows that his kids will succeed, even if the U.S. doesn’t.

Supreme Court Nominee believes in unlimited governmental powers.

Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan believes the government can tell Americans what to eat. In her own words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSoWGlyugTo

NOTE: Voting for Obama in 2012 will enable him to nominate more of these Supreme Court justices who don’t respect the rule of law and hold the U.S. Constitution in contempt. If Obama is re-elected and puts a majority of these tyrannical judges (who have lifetime appointments) onto the Supreme Court, this country will not be able to recover in our lifetimes.