Tag Archives: attorney general

2nd Amendment fiasco

A few days ago, America was heartbroken by the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre– and Obama– for the first time– displayed real emotion, which was appreciated by Americans on both sides of the political aisle.  However, the national discussion has been contorted by devious political hacks. The loudest response has been from Americans– both left and right– who have chosen to take ‘the easy way out’ of addressing the real problem.

The truth is that our society needs good people to have guns. It shouldn’t be optional– it should be mandatory for trained, armed “good guys” to protect public places.  What would have happened if the Clackamas mall shooter hadn’t been confronted by an armed shopper? How many more Sandy Hook Elementary students would have been killed if first responders had arrived on scene only a minute later than they did? We find gun control in the most oppressive dictatorships on Earth– Iran, Syria, North Korea, etc.– regimes that over-power the people with weaponry.  There was gun control in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, which rounded up dissidents and ‘undesirables’ before killing them.  Guns are illegal in Mexico– the result is that the public lives at the mercy of trained, armed “bad guys” who can rely on the black market for guns.  As American patriot George Mason stated: “To disarm the people [is] the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

Fostering training and gun ownership for “good guys” isn’t enough– we also need tighter gun control laws to prevent gun ownership by irresponsible people or “bad guys.”  The Sandy Hook shooter’s mother, Nancy Lanza, took her son to shooting ranges despite knowing that he was disturbed— she was so irresponsible that she should not have been permitted to own a gun. Apparently, U.S. gun control laws are even inadequate to prevent mentally ill people from buying guns legally themselves– a mentally ill person legally bought his guns and shot up an Aurora movie theater this year.  The enforcement of U.S. gun control laws is also inadequate.  Having a black market for guns is bad enough– what’s worse is a stupid decision by the Obama Administration to purposefully sell thousands of semi-automatic firearms to criminals with links to Mexican drug cartels.

The Obama Administration has failed on gun policy. Beside the Fast and Furious scandal, it turns out that the Obama Administration “quietly let federal funding for several key school security programs lapse in the name of budget savings… two Justice Department programs that had provided more than $200 million to schools for training, security equipment and police resources over the last decade weren’t renewed in 2011 and 2012… a separate program that provided $800 million to put police officers inside the schools was ended a few years earlier… [and the Obama Administration] eliminated the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) funding, which for years provided between $20 million and $30 million in annual grants to help schools create emergency and crisis preparation and prevention plans for tragedies.”  Obama wasn’t willing to stop government spending for pet projects and perks for his political supporters– instead, he made the disgraceful decision to cut school security programs.

Meanwhile, a Democrat member of Congress– a political hack from New York named Jerrold Nadler– has expressed his callous opinion that Obama should “exploit” the Sandy Hook tragedy in order to legislate against the Second Amendment of the Constitution.  Previously, Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder announced that he wants to “brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”  These aren’t solutions– they’re detestable plans to use a tragedy to advance a political agenda.

Update: Sadly, the Obama Administration is continuing to use the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy to advance its political agenda: A mass “Obama for America” e-mail sent to Obama supporters by his chief campaign advisor David Axelrod “urges supporters to watch President Obama’s moving address to the community of Newtown” WHILE soliciting donations for Obama during his second term as President.  As another blogger pointed out, the mass e-mail contained “two buttons – two opportunities to donate to the Obama campaign. Not to the Red Cross, or to a memorial fund for the children and adults killed in Newtown.”

Obama Administration secretly grants government power to store private information about innocent Americans

“In a secret government agreement granted without approval or debate from lawmakers, the U.S. attorney general recently gave the National Counterterrorism Center sweeping new powers to store dossiers on U.S. citizens, even if they are not suspected of a crime.” So, it isn’t just that Obama doesn’t care about the Constitution’s separation of powers— he’s also made it really clear that he wants to violate your civil liberties more than the Bush Administration EVER did.

Obama turns into something worse than Richard Nixon

Obama abuses his power by wrongfully invoking executive privilege to try to block his Attorney General’s release of incriminating documents from the Fast and Furious scandal (which resulted in the deaths of two American border patrol agents and 200 Mexican civilians)… Congress holds Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena.

Operation Fast and Furious = “Obama’s Watergate”

The Obama Administration purposefully sold thousands of semi-automatic firearms to criminals with links to Mexican drug cartels– which resulted in the deaths of at least 200 Mexicans and two U.S. border patrol agents.  Ironically, Obama concurrently announced new regulations targeting legal gun ownership in the U.S.  Then, Obama and his Justice Department tried to cover it all up.

Not only did Obama’s Justice Department refuse to provide documents requested by Congress, but Obama himself sealed incriminating records.