Tag Archives: fast and furious

Obama launches another unfounded attack on the U.S. Constitution

Ignoring all evidence that violent criminals target “gun-free zones”— just a few examples include the Virginia Tech “gun-free zone” mass shooting in 2007 and the Aurora movie theater “gun-free zone” massacre in 2012– Obama’s second-term agenda is aimed at Americans’ gun rights under the 2nd Amendment.

Obama clearly understands that he’s attacking fundamental rights without justification– now that his own hometown of Chicago has implemented the strictest gun control laws in the country, it has a murder rate “far worse now than it was during the city’s most notorious crime era.”

Since Barack “former constitutional law professor at Harvard” Obama knew that he couldn’t get Congress to support his illogical, counter-productive, and unconstitutional plans, he announced his intent to bypass the elected legislative branch of government altogether and impose his will on the American people. He’s gotten away with so many unconstitutional executive orders already, that he knows he can simply do it again.

VP Biden openly admitted that the White House identified 19 executive actions for President Obama to move unilaterally on gun control. So what did Obama do? He signed 23 executive orders on gun control, leading to immediate calls for his impeachment by certain members of Congress.

Not only has Obama proven his divisiveness and partisanship by acting unilaterally– also keep in mind that his executive actions impose gun control on the American people, while giving free passes to King Obama and his Democratic nobility with their life-long 24/7 armed security teams.

None of this sounds very appealing, does it? Well, Obama’s going to make sure you don’t speak up– by surrounding himself with children during his gun control announcement. Yes, using these children political props will make sure the American people surrender more liberty in return for a false sense of security.

Update: “Tyrants who have used children as props: USSR’s Joseph Stalin, China’s Mao Zedong, Germany’s Adolf Hitler, Cuba’s Fidel Castro, North Korea’s Kim il-Sung, and Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez.”  It’s unbelievable that a sitting U.S. President has adopted the manipulative tactics of these tyrants.

Update #2: Obama’s hypocrisy over gun control is even more extreme because his “Fast and Furious” scandal (in which Obama’s Administration purposefully sold thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels) resulted in the deaths of at least 200 Mexicans and 2 U.S. border patrol agents.  This image says it all:

Obama turns into something worse than Richard Nixon

Obama abuses his power by wrongfully invoking executive privilege to try to block his Attorney General’s release of incriminating documents from the Fast and Furious scandal (which resulted in the deaths of two American border patrol agents and 200 Mexican civilians)… Congress holds Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena.

Operation Fast and Furious = “Obama’s Watergate”

The Obama Administration purposefully sold thousands of semi-automatic firearms to criminals with links to Mexican drug cartels– which resulted in the deaths of at least 200 Mexicans and two U.S. border patrol agents.  Ironically, Obama concurrently announced new regulations targeting legal gun ownership in the U.S.  Then, Obama and his Justice Department tried to cover it all up.

Not only did Obama’s Justice Department refuse to provide documents requested by Congress, but Obama himself sealed incriminating records.