Tag Archives: Supreme Court

Obama PROMISES that Obamacare is not a tax… Supreme Court DISAGREES

Chief Justice John Roberts upholds the constitutionality of Obamacare SOLELY on the ground that it is a tax.

Supreme Court Nominee believes in unlimited governmental powers.

Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan believes the government can tell Americans what to eat. In her own words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSoWGlyugTo

NOTE: Voting for Obama in 2012 will enable him to nominate more of these Supreme Court justices who don’t respect the rule of law and hold the U.S. Constitution in contempt. If Obama is re-elected and puts a majority of these tyrannical judges (who have lifetime appointments) onto the Supreme Court, this country will not be able to recover in our lifetimes.

Supreme Court Nominee is discriminatory

Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor’s belief is that a “Latina woman” is by definition a superior judge to a “white male” because she has had more “richness” in her struggle. The danger inherent in this judicial view is that the law isn’t what the Constitution says but whatever the judge in the “richness” of her experience comes to believe it should be.

NOTE: Voting for Obama in 2012 will enable him to nominate more of these Supreme Court justices who don’t respect the rule of law and hold the U.S. Constitution in contempt. If Obama is re-elected and puts a majority of these tyrannical judges (who have lifetime appointments) onto the Supreme Court, this country will not be able to recover in our lifetimes.